Nativity Pilgrimage Resources

Where Faith Meets Adventure!

The Rock of Cashel

Pilgrim Resources

The Christian Information Center is the best open-source information center for pilgrims coming to the Holy Land. It is managed by the mortar-and-brick office of the same name, an initiative of the Franciscan Custos of the Holy Land. www.cicts.orgThe Custos of the Holy Land is the official website of the Franciscan Custos. Since the 13th Century, the Custos has been responsible for keeping Catholic pilgrimages to the Holy Land a possibility. It is also one of the largest Christian aid institutions in the Middle East, looking after the education of thousands of children in Arab communities in Israel, Palestine, and Jordan. www.custodia.orgThe Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem is responsible for the well-being of all Latin-Rite Catholics in the Holy Land, Jordan, and Cyprus. It is active at national, diocesan, and parochial levels in all aspects of the local Christian community, and its parishes help oversee the well-being of several regional places of pilgrimage that are important to the local Christian community.

The Basilica of the Annunciation website is one of the best-maintained websites of a particular place of pilgrimage in the Holy Land. The Capernaum website of the Custos of the Holy Land includes archaeological and liturgical information to help better prepare Christians for their visit.

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  • Promoting

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  • Preparing

    Do you need help preparing for your pilgrimage? Not sure what to expect or how to pack? Check out our pilgrimage preparation guide above, or contact us to get more info about your upcoming pilgrimage!


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